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The state council urged manufacturing transformation and upg
Published in:2017-05-23 10:21
Premier li keqiang on May 17, chaired a state council executive meeting, determine the further reduce the enterprises management service fees and use can reduce logistics cost, reduce power for the enterprise; The deployment was carried out in a pilot demonstration to advance the implementation of "made in China 2025" and promote the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing.
Meeting pointed out, the next step in-depth implementation of the "made in China 2025", we should deepen the reform of the supply side structural, market-oriented, with enterprises as the main body, strengthen the innovation drive and policy incentives, the development of intelligent manufacturing as the main direction, and entrepreneurship, "Internet +" and "the public has closely integrated innovation, make bold reform and innovation, constantly emerging, the guiding role of" demonstration square ", promote the whole manufacturing to intelligent, greening and service upgrade, speed up the construction of manufacturing powerhouse.
First, we need to take the critical and strong foundation. With high-end equipment, short board equipment and intelligent equipment as the breakthrough point, vigorously promotes the key core technology research, speed up the breakthrough of sensors, industrial software, industrial control systems, such as bottlenecks, concentrated support to key areas and transform and upgrade traditional industry innovation development urgently needed equipment engineering, industrialization, launched a new materials research and development and application of major projects, enhance the basic research, application development and system integration ability.
Second, we must speed up the construction of industrial Internet cloud platform and open the "double gen" platform based on the Internet, actively support the development of medium enterprise financing, services and manufacturing organic union, encourage manufacturing, telecommunications, software companies such as cross-border cooperation, development research and development of networked collaborative manufacturing, mass customization, a service-oriented manufacturing new pattern.
Third, we need to capture a pilot demonstration. Adjust measures to local conditions to build the "made in China 2025" the pilot demonstration city (group) and intelligent manufacturing demonstration zone, and preferred to create a number of "made in China 2025" demonstration area, support in policy and institutional innovation on the first try first, to create a new growth area.
Fourth, improve the quality of products and services. We will carry forward the spirit of entrepreneurship and craftsmanship, cultivate the quality of our customers, promote advanced quality management methods, and establish a standard system of quality manufacturing. We will increase demand for diversified consumption, increase variety, quality and brand.
Fifth, we should optimize the development environment. We will deepen the reform of streamlining administration, delegating power, streamlining and optimizing services. We will improve market oversight and strengthen protection of intellectual property rights. We will improve the mechanism for income distribution, such as investment and equity incentives, and improve the incentives for scientific and technological personnel. By integrating the various special fund intensify guarantee interest, in the conditional place to establish the credit risk compensation mechanism, guide the social capital investment, etc., in a concerted effort for upgrading manufacturing.
Sixth, we need to expand opening-up and international cooperation to achieve complementarity and win-win development.
The meeting is certain that a new set of measures will be introduced on the basis of the implementation of the policy of reducing negative interest in the early stage. One is to reduce the logistics cost of enterprises. Second, we will promote the reform of the tariff and distribution of power grids at the provincial level and reduce the price of transmission and distribution. Third, reduce operating service charges. Implementing these measures will reduce the burden on businesses by about 120 billion yuan a year.
Senior China economist at standard chartered bank color believe that China's manufacturing industry is experiencing the upgrade from a low to high, in the high-end manufacturing is one of the main power of China's economic development in the future, another impetus is modern service industry. China's low-end manufacturing base has been very strong, and China has the world's most accepted the population of higher education, has the talent advantage, and the cost is relatively low; Combined with the existing market share, infrastructure, and government from the aspects of research and development, taxation, financing to provide help, can promote to high-end manufacturing industry transformation and upgrading of industrial structure. With the advance of technological innovation and Internet innovation, the future manufacturing industry has enormous growth opportunities.
At the Chinese academy of social sciences, vice President of Mr. CAI, also said "made in China 2025" planning covers the information science and technology, numerical control tools and robots, and space equipment, railway equipment, new materials, and other areas of the top ten. The new national policy along with the Asian infrastructure investment bank, supported by the "area" if the international strategy successful, China will move from a low-end manufacturing countries for high-end manufacturing powerhouse.